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Widevine Certification | Widevine L1 , L2 , L3 | Netflix Amazon prime suported Device | How to check my device in Widevine L1 certified or not

Widevine Certification
If you love to watch Amazon prime or Netflix this artical is for you

Widevine is a content decryption module (CDM) for the digital rights management (DRM) of the Google Chrome web browser and Android Media.

DRM originally created by Widevine Technologies, which was purchased by Google in 2010.
It operates as an encryption scheme to securely distribute video content to consumer devices.

So there are many sites who provide premium content to their customers by taking some fees.
but some are very clever they record their screen.
To stop these piracy Widevine certify that devices are DRM protected or not.
Now Netflix , Amazon prime , jio and etc only steam on those devices which are DRM protected otherwise you could't view the content.

It uses a combination of CENC encryption, licensing key exchange, and streaming quality. Widevine has three level of security simply named L1, L2 and L3.
Here L1 certification is the best level of security and only can stream hd content
rest L2 and L3 can stream content from Netflix Amazon prime jio etc but not in High Defination it can stream upto 480p.

Now how do you know your phone certify widevine certification or not , or which level of security does it have.
There is an application on play store called DRM info , down load that app and it will show your phone has which level of security.

Play Store link :


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