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Independence Day Best Wishes

Surprise For You from your friend
Dev By TWG

ā¤•ी ā¤“ā¤° ā¤¸े
Happy Independence Day 2019
ā¤‡ā¤ļ्āĨ˜ ā¤¤ो ā¤•ā¤°ā¤¤ा ā¤šैं ā¤šā¤° ā¤•ोā¤ˆ
ā¤Žेā¤šā¤Ŧूā¤Ŧ ā¤Ēे ā¤Žā¤°ā¤¤ा ā¤šैं ā¤šā¤° ā¤•ोā¤ˆ,
ā¤ĩā¤¤ā¤¨ ā¤•ो ā¤Žेā¤šā¤Ŧूā¤Ŧ ā¤Ŧā¤¨ा ā¤•ā¤° ā¤Ļेā¤–ो
ā¤¤ुā¤ ā¤Ēे ā¤Žā¤°ेā¤—ा ā¤šā¤° ā¤•ोā¤ˆ


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