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How to Delete Facebook Account Permanently | How to Deactivate your Facebook account Temporarily

How to delete Facebook Account 

If you want to delete your Facebook account for any kind of personal reasons the  follow this instructions. 

So at 1st You have to open your Facebook account from a web browser in SmartPhone or PC .
If you are using SmartPhone then make sure to turn on Desktop site option .

Then Open your Facebook menu from the top right corner of the screen. Then navigate to Settings & there find a option called Acount & Ownership ,
 Then open Deactivation and deletion .
Hare you can Temporarily deactivate or permanently delete your account.
Hare you will find 2 options one is for deactivate the account & other for deleting the acount. 
Choose yours by your choice.

I have made a detailed video in this topic . for any further details you can watch my youtube video .

Note ** After you chose delete on your account , It wouldn't delete your account instantly . It will take a time of 30 days . So you can review your decision.  In this period You can abort this action any time. 


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